About Ava

Ava grew up in a humble but loving family. She had a comfortable childhood.

But shortly before her eighth birthday, she took a bad fall from a pony. In coma, Ava was hospitalised and underwent an urgent operation.

>> Ava's injuries were much more severe than they at first appeared.

The doctors were very doubtful about her chances of recovery, they feared for her life.
After a few days, she grew weaker and began inexorably slipping away, towards the next life.

Later, she would recount how she struggled to resist the call of the warm, comforting light, so close that she could almost reach out and touch it.

But one day, she decided to let herself go, to leave, in spite of the tears she could see in her parents' eyes. And it was at this exact moment that Ava had an incredible encounter.

An angel came to talk to her
"I wish you could come with me, but you are far to valuable where you are" said the angel who brought her back to life.

Ava woke up.

Not only was she alive, but she also had no injuries from the accident.

It was a miracle, said the doctor in charge of her care

It was only some months later, when her health was considerably better, that the little girl began to hear whispers.

>> Quite soon, she realized that she was able to interact and communicate with invisible beings.

Her guardian angel, that same one who had brought her back to life, had conferred on her extra-sensorial powers that grew ever stronger as well as extremely accurate divinatory abilities.

In spite of her tender years, Ava worked tirelessly to improve her mastery of these extraordinary abilities so as to be able to put them to the service of anyone in need of assistance, luckless people, those for whom life was not easy.

Helping those who deserve it, that is the mission which the angel had given her, during her near-death experience.

Ava has helped thousands of people over the past ten years,
with the most amazing results.

"By guiding people who have put their trust in me towards prosperity and happiness, I am fulfilling my heavenly mission. Helping the deserving is my purpose in life, it's an inexhaustible source of joy, pleasure and personal fulfillment".
said Ava