So, why this free offer?
Ava wasn't born with her powers. They were conferred on her when she was still just a child.
After a serious accident, at the age of eight, doctors said she only had a short time to live.
It was as she was slipping away from this world, drawn by the comforting warmth of an intense, white light, that an angel came and spoke to her offering her a long life.
This is when she was given her powers and also the duty to place these at the service of those to whom life has not been sufficiently kind.
And this is why, today,
Ava is able to offer you this first, free consultation which, if you so wish,
will open for you the door to a
new, rich and fulfilling life.
Ava is able to offer you this first, free consultation which, if you so wish,
will open for you the door to a
new, rich and fulfilling life.